LeNet Classifying Handwritten Digits

  • Intro
  • Constructing the LeNet architecture
  • Conclusion


Primary software used PUG
Course LeNet Classifying Handwritten Digits
Primary subject AI & ML
Secondary subject Machine Learning
Level Intermediate
Last updated November 27, 2024



LeNet Classifying Handwritten Digits 0/2

LeNet Classifying Handwritten Digits

In this example, we will compare its performance against the previously used network architecture using the MNIST data set.

LeNet is a famous Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture introduced in the late 1990s for recognizing hand-written digits. It comprises multiple Convolutional and Pooling layers followed by fully connected layers. This architecture is often used as a starting point for other image classification tasks.

You can learn more about LeNet here.

Data flow in LeNet. http://d2l.ai/chapter_convolutional-neural-networks/lenet.html
Data flow in LeNet. http://d2l.ai/chapter_convolutional-neural-networks/lenet.html

LeNet Classifying Handwritten Digits 1/2

Constructing the LeNet architecture

We will construct the LeNet architecture with the help of the Pug Keras layer component.

LeNet architecture components

Next, plug the LeNet architecture into the pug SL component and hit the run button to train the network using the MNIST data set. Finally, connect the trained agent to the prediction component and test the accuracy using the testing dataset from the MNIST component. Training LeNet architecture may take more time due to its deeper network structure.

Traning LetNet

LeNet Classifying Handwritten Digits 2/2


You now learned how to use the plug-in PUG for a LeNet classification problem in Grasshopper. Here you can find an overview of the script.

LeNet Classification overview script
LeNet Classification overview script

Final exercise file

Here you find the final GH script of the tutorial.